(table of contents).

·       Introduction.

·       Atom and atomic nucleus.

·       Isotopes.

·       Natural radioactivity.

·       Background rediations



SCIENTISTS were always interested to know about the smallest particle of matter. Greek philosopher democrats in 585 BC postulated that matter is build from small particles called atoms. The atoms mean indivisible in greek language.

Ratherford in 1911, discovered that atom had a central part called the nucleus of atom. In this unit, we will describe different aspects of atomic and nuclear physics such as redioactivity, half-life, nuclear reactions, fission and fussion.


Rutherford discovered that the postive charge in an atom was concentrated in small regions called nucleus. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons which are collectively called nucleans. Atom also contains electrons which are revolving around in nerarly circular orbits about the postively charged nucleus. The simplest atom is that of hydrogen, nucleus of which is a single proton. We describe an element with respect to its nucleus and uses of following quantities.

The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus.

The neutron number is equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus of atom.

The atomic mass number is equal to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atom. The mass of neutron is nearly equal to that of proton. But proton is about 1836 times havier than an the mass of an atom isnearly equal to the sum of masses of proton and neutrons.

Generally, an atom is represented by the symbol x.


Isotopes are atom of same elements having same atomic number but different mass number. This because of difference of netrons in their nuclei. There are three isotopes of hydrogen atom.


IN 1896,BACQUERAL accidently discovered that uranium salt crystals emit an invisible rediation that can darken a photographic plates, he also observed that the rediation had the ability to iinoised in gas. Subsequent experiments by other scintists showed that other substances also emmited rediations.

The most segnificant investigations of this type were conducted by marie curie and her husband pierre. They discovered two new alaments which emmits rediations. They were named polonium and radium. The process of emition of rediations by some elements was called natural redioactivity.

Subsequent experiments performed by hanri becqueral suggested that radioactivity was resukt of the decay or disintegration of unstable nuclei.

The spontaneous emission of rediation by unstable nuclai is callede natural radioactivity. And the elements which emmits such rediations are called as radioactive elements.

Three types of rediations are usually emmited by radioactive ubstance. They are:alpha particle; beta particle and gamma rays. These three forms of rediations were studied by using the scheme existed.

The radioactive source is placed inside the megnetic field while beta ray does not change its direction. Three types of rediations can be distinguished from their path followed in an external magnetic field.


REDIATIONS PRESENT IN ATMOSPHERE DUE TO DIFFERENT REDIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES ARE CALLED BACKGROUND REDIATION.every where in rock, soil, water, and air of our planet are traces with redioactive elements. This natural rediation is called background rediation. It is a part of our environment as sun shine and rain. Fortunatly, our bodies can tolerate it. Only places where rediation is very high can be injurious to the health of living organisms.

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