genetic engineering in detail


Genetic engineering

In this article

·        Introduction of genetics.

·        Objectives of genetic engineering.

·        Achievements of genetic engineering.

·        Basic steps of genetic engineering.

·        Related posts.


Genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology involves the artificial synthesis, modification, removal, addition and repair of genetic materials (DNA).

 GENETIC ENGINEERING developed in the mid-1970s when it become possible to cut DNA from the one type of organism into another’s a result, the microorganisms  such as bacterium ,the transferred DNA is multiplied many times as the microorganism multiplies .

Consequently, it is possible to obtain millions of copies of a specific DNA inside a bacterial cell.



·        Isolation of a particular gene or part of gene for various purposes such as gene therapy.


·        Production of particular RNA and protein molecules.



·        Improvement in production of enzymes, drugs and commercially important organic materials.


·        Production of varieties of plants having particular desirable characteristics.



·        Treatment of genetic defects in higher organisms.



·        Isolation of gene of interest: in the first step, the genetic engineer identifies the gene of interest in the donor organism. Special enzymes, called restriction end nuclease, are used to cut the identified gene from the total DNA of the donor organism.

·        Insertion of gene into the vector: a victor is selected for the transfer of the isolated gene to the host organism.

 The vector may be plasmid (the extra – chromosomal DNA present in many bacteria).or a becteriophage. The gene of interest is attached with the vector DNA by using the end nuclease.

 (Breaking enzyme) and ligase (joining enzyme) .the victor DNA and the attached gene of interest are collectively called recombinant DNA.

·        Transfer of recombinant DNA into the host organism: recombinant DNA is transferred to the target host. In this way, host organism is transformed into a genetically modified organism (GMO).

·        Growth of GMO: the GMO are provided suitable culture medium for growth to give as much copies of the gene of interest as needed.  

·        Expression of the gene: the GMO contains the gene of interest and manufacture the desired product, which is isolated from the culture medium.




·        HUMAN insulin gene was transferred into bacteria. The genetically modified bacteria because able to synthesize insulin. Diabetics are now receiving the insulin.  The step of production of insulin is almost the necessary one.


·        In 1977 an E.coli bacterium was created that was capable of synthesizing the human growth hormone.



·        The hormone thymosin which may prove effective against brain and lung cancer has been produced by genetically modified microorganism.


·        Beta-endorphin, a pain killer produce by the brain, has been produced by genetic engineering techniques.



·        Genetic engineering produces a safe vaccine against the foot and mouth disease (A VIRAL disease in cattle, goats and deer’s).similarly many vaccines have been produced against human diseases such as hepatitis.


·          Interferons are anti-viral proteins produced by cell infected with viruses. In 1980, interferon was produced in genetically modified micro organism, for the first time.

·        The enzymes urokinese, which is used in dissolve blood clots, has been produced by genetically modified micro organisms.


·        Now it has been become possible to modify the gene in human egg cell. This can lead to the elimination of inherited diseases like hemophilia.



·        Genetic engineering techniques can also be used to cure blood diseases like thalassemia and sickle-cell anemia, which was result from defects in single genes. Normal gene could be transferred into the bone marrow.


·        Genetic engineering has developed plants that can fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere .such plants need less fertilizers.


·        Genetic engineering introduces medicine that can be easily available in any pharmacy through low amount of cost that helps poor peoples to be healthy and fit.


v The cost for producing the product by genetic engineers is very high, but once the product is made the cost will become zero of the investing cost and the product demands increase in general markets.


v Today many fields of life genetic engineering was used .some industries use genetic materials to keep the temperature and the atmospheric condition in equilibrium state  so the machineries can perform keep their work properly.



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o   1: respiratory system in living organisms.(gaseous exchange in organisms)


o   2: urinary system in living organisms.



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