biogeochemical cycle note full detail


Biogeochemical cycle

We know that environment is the source of materials for all living organisms. Environment provides bioelements which are used by organisms for their bodies and metabolism. The materials are continuously recycled between organisms and environments. Biogeo chemical cycle is path way from a compound entered the environment by organism and also released from the environment.

1: carbon cycle

Carbon atom is the principle building block of many kinds of bimolecular. Carbon is found as many graphite and diamond nature. It is also occurs as carbon dioxide in atmosphere.

A major source of carbon for the living world is carbon dioxide present in atmosphere and water. Fossil fuels like peat, coal, natural gas and petroleum also contain carbon. Carbonates of earth’s crust also give rise to carbon dioxide.

The major process that brings the carbon from atmosphere or water into living world is photosynthesis. Producers take in carbon dioxide from atmosphere and convert it into organic compounds. In this way, carbon becomes a part of body of producers. The carbon enters food chains and is passed to herbivores, carnivores and decomposers.

Carbon dioxide is released back to environment by respiration of producers and consumers. It is also released by the decomposers of organic wastes and death bodies of decomposers. Burning of woods and fossil fuels also adds large amount of carbon dioxide into atmosphere.

2: nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen is an important component of many bioelements, like proteins and nucleic acid. Atmosphere is the reservoir of free gaseous nitrogen. Living organisms cannot pick this gaseous nitrogen directly from the atmosphere (expect from nitrogen fixation bacteria). It has to convert into nitrates to be utilized by plants.

A: formation of nitrates

It is almost done by the following ways

·        Nitrogen fixation: conversion of nitrogen into nitrates is called nitrogen fixation. It occurs in the following ways.

1.     The thunderstorms and lightning convert atmospheric gaseous nitrogen to oxides of nitrogen. These oxides dissolve in water and form nitrous acid and nitric acid. The acids in turn combine with other salts to produce nitrates. It is called atmospheric nitrogen fixation.

2.     Some bacteria also have the ability to transform gaseous nitrogen into nitrates. The process is called as biological nitrogen fixation. Some of these nitrogen fixation bacteria live as symbionts and many are free-living.

3.     Nitrogen fixation is also done by industries. In industries nitrogen fixation hydrogen is combined with atmospheric nitrogen under high pressure and produces ammonia which is further converted into ammonium nitrates.

A: ammonification and nitrification

Ammonification is the breakdown of the protein of dead organisms and nitrogenous wastes to ammonia. It is done by ammonifying bacteria.

After the formation of ammonia, it is converted into nitrates by bacteria. The nitrates are then converted into nitrates by the other bacteria.

B: assilimatiom

The nitrates formed by the above processes, are absorbed by plants and are utilized for making proteins. Animals take nitrogenous compounds from plants. The utilization of nitrates by organism is called assimilation.

C: Gentrification

It is a biological process in which nitrates and nitrites are reduces to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria. By this process, nitrogen is returned to atmosphere.


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