acid rain and global warming relationship.




·        Global warming.

·        Acid rain.

·        Effects of acid rain and global warming.

·        Substance responsible for global warming and acid rain.

·        Final concepts or words.



THE WARMING OF THE ATMOSPHERE WHICH IS DUE TO OUR influence on the green house effect is known as global warming.


The acid rain is defined as the rain having PH lesser then 5.6 are called as acid rain.

The acid rain is rains that consist of harm full acids by dissolving in it.

Effects of acid rain and global warming.

Acid rain and global warming have very harmful effect on atmosphere and cause damages like below follow.

Global warming

Acid rain

·        The temperature of earth will increase gradually.

·        Polar ice will be melt and cause significant increase in sea level.

·        Increase of sea level may become cause of destroy island countries.

·        The world temperatures become hotter so the ice melt in large quantity which may lots of water save for future.

·        Acid rains destroy marble materials and statues that were build in modern cities.

·        The history will be erased by acid rain because it destroys all ancient buildings and statues.

·        The acid rains eat away metals and cause metals to be corrosive through its reaction.

·        Acid rain falls into river that may become cause of marine death or distruction, destroy.


Substances that is responsible for global warming

The main causes of global warming, in order of the magnitude of their impact, are

·        Carbon dioxide.

·        Methane gas.

·        Nitrogen oxide.

·       Cfcs (chloro flouro carbon). Cfcs used in refrigerators also powerful greenhouse gases. These gases occurs in lower concentration in the atmosphere, but because they are so much more potent than carbon dioxide in cases hundreds of time more potent per unit of volume they contributes to global warming.

·        Hcfcs.

·       A nitrogen oxide have 300 times more heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume then does carbon dioxide, and we release them every time we apply fertilizer to soil.



Final words.

Carbon monoxide consists of a single carbon atom and single oxygen atom linked together, and is the product of incomplete combustion of fuel. Most of carbon monoxide is produced when the vehicles is not turned properly, and at higher attitudes, where thin layer of air reduces the amount of oxygen available for combustion.

Cfcs used in refrigerators also powerful greenhouse gases. These gases occurs in lower concentration in the atmosphere, but because they are so much more potent than carbon dioxide in cases hundreds of time more potent per unit of volume they contributes to global warming.

A nitrogen oxide have 300 times more heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume then does carbon dioxide, and we release them every time we apply fertilizer to soil.

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